Archives: The structure of the IST programme
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The IST programme is structured around four interrelated Key actions:
Within the Information Society Directorate-General, a separate Directorate, further divided into Units is responsible for the implementation of the above mentioned areas. Each Key Action provides for a full range of RTD activities from basic research to demonstration and take-up actions. For the purpose of the annual workprogramme these Key Actions are further divided into action lines, which represent specific objectives and RTD priorities.
In the IST programme, besides the Key Actions, other horizontal and infrastructural activities are lead by separate Directorate. These activities focus on the implementation of the Programme, the integration of the Key Actions, as well as the support of networks and future technologies:
Furthermore, the IST programme works in co-operation with the other thematic and horizontal programmes of the Fifth Framework Programme.
The IST annual workprogrammes are prepared by the Commission. Representatives of each of the Member and Associated States, the ISTAG Committee of 25 experts in the field of IST, and relevant actors from industry, research and higher education participate in its preparation and evaluation.
The Commission publishes Calls for Proposals several times a year, which follow the Roadmaps indicated in the annual workprogrammes. The themes of the calls are based on the action lines defined in the workprogrammes.